World Peace – There Is a Solution

by / Thursday, 27 March 2014 / Published in Change, Foreign Policy, Lifestyle, Media, peace

It is impossible not to hear about the problem: War and violence are everywhere. Our world is inundated with it. Turn on the news or open the paper and what do you see. If you pay attention and look closely even a simple walk down the street will reveal how deeply ingrained war and violence is in our culture. The signs are everywhere. Have we become numb to the impact of war and violence in our society in much the same way alcoholics and addicts have become numb to their lives due to their addiction? Despite knowing we must change have we come to accept violence as simply being the way it is?

The first fact is we tune out. It is simply too painful to see the truth. We drink. The truth hurts, so we visit either our legal, or illegal, drug dealer and medicate ourselves in order not to feel. We get lost in our work, or television, the gym, or a myriad of activities designed to help us avoid seeing the truth about the world we live in. But each and every one of us know that at some point things must change.

The second fact is we feel helpless. Overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the dysfunction in front of us we look away. “There is nothing I can,” is a statement we hear all the time. It’s like Uncle Joe coming over drunk to destroy the twentieth Christmas in a row. We just take it for granted that this is the way it has to be.

Bombarded by the media the problem of war and violence is played out 24/7 on the airwaves. Perhaps we are also addicted to the drama? We rarely get jacked up about good news. Isn’t it almost always the bombing, the shooting, the tragedy? There are thousands of people employed in the media to sell you beer, cars, investments, Viagra, and laundry soap while delivering you the sad story of a world gone bad.

We all know the problem of war and violence! For many years we were told that we were going to war to stop war. We were going to war to bring peace to the world. Apparently that story no longer works so now we must go to war in self-defense. We must get “them” (whoever that may be on any given day) before “they” get us. And perhaps the reason why there are so many people out there telling you about the problem is because so few believe there is actually a solution. But there is – and you’re it.

At Peace Anonymous we want to talk about the solution. Part of the solution is to fully acknowledge and embrace the existence of the problem or war, rather than looking the other way. We do not hide from it. We want to look it right in the eye. As honestly and courageously as possible we want to know THE TRUTH about our addiction to war and violence. And once we see the truth we also see that we really do have a choice. We do not have to live this way. There is a solution. We can change and millions of people all over the world, regardless of the typical barriers of religion or ethnicity, have already done so.

Like a drunk hanging onto a bottle you may wish to remain stuck in the problem. But isn’t it time we stopped doing the same thing, over and over, expecting different results? Peace Anonymous wants to invite you to the SOLUTION. There is no need to continue to feel overwhelmed. You are not alone. The weight of the greatest threat to mankind’s future is shared by the millions of people, from all over the world, who feel exactly the same way you do. Together we can do this.

And I ask you how can millions of people be helpless? You have a choice. This is your world.