America’s Addiction to War – A Spiritual Malady?

by / Wednesday, 30 April 2014 / Published in Change, Entertainment, Foreign Policy, Latest posts, Lifestyle, Media, peace, Spiritual, Tech, Uncategorized

Despite our knowing, in the depths of our souls, that peace is the right thing, why have world peace organizations failed in their attempts to deal with the insanity of war? Do the pleadings of the anti-war movement not seem eerily similar to those issued by the families of alcoholics, as their loved ones blindly wander down the path which leads only to heartbreak and death? Despite the obvious insanity, and wrapped in denial, the drunk selfishly attempts to justify his actions so he can continue his destructive behavior while alienating all those around him. The frothy appeals of loved ones rarely work; the drunk needed more if he was to overcome his life threatening addiction. He needed a spiritual solution.
According to Eckhart Tolle fear, greed, and the pursuit of power, all of which are rooted in the ego, are the motivating forces behind warfare and create a bottomless hole which can never be filled up. As a recovering alcoholic of 21 years I can only say Tolle’s description also accurately assesses the disease of addiction and, I suspect, the majority of those involved in 12 Step recovery would identify on a personal level with Tolle’s assessment of man’s dark side. Those in recovery know only too well the depravity of the soul sickness which leads to our insane behavior.
Many of us lost families, homes, and jobs. Mentally, physically, and financially exhausted we arrived in the rooms of 12 Step programs bankrupt in every department. I can only speak for myself, but had I access to an endless supply of money, such as an $800 billion defense budget, coming to my senses and doing the right thing may never have happened and I would have died drunk. My desperate financial situation was key in my developing the willingness to change my behavior.
If alcoholism is a spiritual malady what can be said of war? It would be foolish to expect political and corporate leaders to drop the bag of money and suddenly start doing the right thing. The job of peace belongs to the people of this world and it begins with Step One. By simply being aware of the truth – that a small group of ego-driven men, motivated by fear, greed, and the pursuit of power, have control of our governments and our war machine, and are using them for their personal gain.
Where will this end? Can we continue as we have? Isn’t it time we talked about the elephant?