America’s Addiction To War – The 12 Steps Work

by / Thursday, 08 May 2014 / Published in Change, Entertainment, Foreign Policy, Lifestyle, Media, peace, Spiritual, Tech

As World Peace Organizations and the anti-war movement strive to resolve the insanity which is taking over our world they are missing the point: The problem is inside us. It is our addiction, rooted in our collective ego, that is the enemy and we will continue to kill each other until we realize the truth about who and what we are.

The war on terror, the issues in Syria, Palestine, and the Ukraine all have one thing in common: Man’s ego – our need to control. We control for profit and for power. Nothing stops us from going after what we think we need, or want. This addiction will drive us to the point of extinction – or beyond.

Alcoholics understand this insane need for more. What is so  effective about the 12 Steps is the simple fact that the steps address, and deflate the ego. The Steps bring us down to right-size.  Alcoholics arrive at Alcoholics Anonymous drowning in problems. Lost jobs, failed marriages, financially destitute, and insanity are all symptoms of addiction running wild. The beautiful aspect of all of this is that it is our problems which bring us to the solution. And I know, had I won the $3,000,000 contract I was chasing, I may not be here today as I would have had more than enough cash to drink myself to death.

The Pentagon has an unlimited supply of cash courtesy of the American people. How many more do they need to kill to satisfy their addiction to war? And they will not stop until you are destitute. When did they ever have enough?  How much longer do we have?

Isn’t it time for rehab? The 12 Steps work. You must be willing to see the truth about who and what your nation has become.