My Granddaughter’s Future

Thursday, 25 December 2014 by

Since 9/11 there have been hundreds of people attempting to understand exactly who was responsible for the events of that day. As I sift through the information and attempt to piece together a version of the story, which makes sense to me, I can honestly say I have no idea exactly what the truth is.

The Simplicity of Peace

Friday, 22 August 2014 by

Mankind is really barely on the first rung of the ladder; we have not yet solved even such primitive problems as world hunger. The accomplishments of mankind, in fact, thus far are most impressive for having been achieved – almost blindly – through trial and error. While this random search for solutions has resulted in

Another senseless school shooting! There have been 74 school shootings in America since Sandy Hook on December 14, 2012. SEVENTY-FOUR! Human beings are not born violent; it is a learned behavior. While every culture has its rare, insane acts, no other society embraces violence to the same degree as America. What is in the water

12 Step programs are recognized as the world’s most effective tools in dealing with addictions. Why would  the Steps not work for man’s addiction to war? Well meaning peace organizations and anti-war groups don’t often talk of America’s obvious addiction to war. Perhaps it is because they don’t understand the realm of addiction or perhaps

In 2008 Barrak Obama was elected President of the United States by the largest majority in history. His campaign slogan, “Change You Can Believe In,” was embraced by the American people. But the change Americans had hoped for didn’t happen. Perhaps one of the reasons it didn’t happen is because one man, even if he

Here’s the deal: What good does it do to have the greatest recipe for change known to man and keep it a secret? In fact, the only way this message will ever work is to put it in the hands of as many people as possible, as soon as possible. And only you can determine

A few days ago I had the great fortune of hearing Neale Donald Walsch, the author of the series of books entitled Conversations With God speak at an event. Walsch, who was animated, intelligent, and humorous, offered an interesting perspective on the world we lived in and asked a very provocative question which I, in

World Peace – There Is a Solution

Thursday, 27 March 2014 by

It is impossible not to hear about the problem: War and violence are everywhere. Our world is inundated with it. Turn on the news or open the paper and what do you see. If you pay attention and look closely even a simple walk down the street will reveal how deeply ingrained war and violence

On the home front an alcoholic, driven by his addiction, will deny his family food, clothing, and shelter and spend his entire paycheck on booze. His selfish and self-centered behavior denies those he professes to love of any money for education, family vacations, or extra activities for the children. The house and the family may