Israel is Addicted To War!

Thursday, 31 July 2014 by

9/11 was used as an excuse to invade Iraq and today there are many unanswered questions regarding exactly who is responsible. But what we do know for sure is the Halliburton and several other companies close to the Bush administration reaped huge profits while hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died by the thousands and Americans

12 Step programs are recognized as the world’s most effective tools in dealing with addictions. Why would  the Steps not work for man’s addiction to war? Well meaning peace organizations and anti-war groups don’t often talk of America’s obvious addiction to war. Perhaps it is because they don’t understand the realm of addiction or perhaps

  Peace organizations and an anti-war philosophy must have existed, at least to a degree, in Germany during the build up to WW II. Within the population there had to be those who saw the spiritual malady – the presence of the raw,  insane, ego-driven madness, which gave birth to one of the most horrendous

Despite our knowing, in the depths of our souls, that peace is the right thing, why have world peace organizations failed in their attempts to deal with the insanity of war? Do the pleadings of the anti-war movement not seem eerily similar to those issued by the families of alcoholics, as their loved ones blindly

Addiction is a spiritual malady requiring a spiritual solution. And the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Therefore, by definition war must be an addiction which requires a spiritual solution! Perhaps world peace organizations and the anti-war movement have not been successful as they have consistently appealed

In 2008 Barrak Obama was elected President of the United States by the largest majority in history. His campaign slogan, “Change You Can Believe In,” was embraced by the American people. But the change Americans had hoped for didn’t happen. Perhaps one of the reasons it didn’t happen is because one man, even if he

Here’s the deal: What good does it do to have the greatest recipe for change known to man and keep it a secret? In fact, the only way this message will ever work is to put it in the hands of as many people as possible, as soon as possible. And only you can determine

Iraq – Why We Did It? – Really??

Saturday, 12 April 2014 by

Last night I finally had the opportunity to watch MSNBC’s story of why Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al, orchestrated the Iraq invasion. First I want to state that I think the world of Rachel Maddow; which is why I was so frustrated that MSNBC went to the trouble of making Why We Did It and